Brett called up and said it was on, "Ice-Off!". We tore up the pavement a few hours south and made good time. Topics of conversation ranged from fly patterns to body snatch'n as we rolled through the rural towns of the U T.
We rolled in and unloaded to a warm 27' degree morning and had the toons on open water by 10:30am. Kickin' out accross the shallows I stripped in my first cast only to be broken off on my large crawdad. Checking my line I noted my 4x was brittle and laughed.
The sunny, saturday morning was chilly and the winds from the north made for some water chop. Buttoned up I pulled the raggid, fleece hoody up over my ears and turned my back to the wind.
(Photo Courtesy of Brett Colvin www.flytowater.com)
The fishing was slow but the rewards were awesome! Fat, speckeled, green backs, putting a bend in my stick as they danced. "What could be better?", I thought. Brett and I took turns landing trout for the camera shots and by late afteroon our hands were numb from the bone chilling water.
(Photo Courtesy of Brett Colvin www.flytowater.com)
There is a certain excitment that comes over me after a long, frigid day in the water. The thought of a hot shower and a home cooked meal from a small ma & pa eatery in town.
Stories of Butch Cassidy and hauntings in room 103 were discussed around the dinner table. Another awesome day had and shared with great company. Full and exhausted I took in the fresh mountain air as I walked back to the cabin. Shutting the door to room 103, I hit the bed and clicked through the images that had been captured on the Canon.
To be continued....with STAX of photos.
Be sure to check out Brett's blog and photography, as he gives his take on our little trip down south:
Dude, put that away. Right ON!
i'm pretty close to being able to get up n2 the gila wilderness to catch some formerly endangered trout, too. i'm really looking forward to it. looks like u had a great time. i luv a little bit of cultural history mixed n2 a good fishing trip.
Good stuff Jay.
Nice hogs. What kind of camera do you use for the pictures?
Thanks guys! Hoss, nice site. I am shooting on both Canon XTi and a Canon 40d.
Hope to purchase a Canon 5D MKII this summer.
I look forward to reading your blog.
My wife and her friend were trying the other day to convince me to move the family to Lehi.....your photos make the idea even sweeter! (of course, you'd be forced to guide me a day or two.)
Move to Lehi ;) You know it is on when you get here. Just give me the word and we will be out on a lake or stream fishing my friend.
Thanks for stopping by and visiting.
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