We were killin' it all day long. Three and four pound bass were putting a bend in the eight weight and my shoulder was getting soar. Cheech's boat was nice and had me wanting to get something for my family. The more I fish warm water, I think about getting my kids out in a vessel where they can stick fish. The day was beautiful. The cloud cover was gone by mid afternoon. We were making casts to the shadows and the bass didn't stand a chance. Cheech was putting on a clinic and I even managed to get the Heisman trophy shots! The day came and went so fast. We had dinner at a mom and pap shop not to far from Cheech's place and it hit the spot as we laughed about how sick the day turned out. This trip go's down as one of the best and I can say I caught some trophy bass. I can't wait to get back out fishing with Cheech. I learned a lot. His knowlege in patterns, and fishing techniques helped me think outside the box and learn something new! Now we just need to catch some four pound smallies out of a little lake up near Heber :)

Nice job, great shots!
I called the other day to come up to the pond but your phone was off
Nice work Jay! Sweet pics as well!
Can't wait for top water action out there.
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