Growing up I had a dream to visit Alaska. The thought of large Salmon on the fly and fly-in's to remote water have me yearning to go. My pockets have been shallow and the money for such an adventure are met with realization and disappointment. Over the years the dream has been kept alive, and in the back of my mind. Big bad Alaska shows itself through the colorful pages of fly-fishing magazines. Article after article on Alaska how-to's, including "How To Flyfish Alaska On A Budget" and so on. I've heard stories of those who have gone and conquered and the cries from the less fortunate who still dream the dream. My story begins...
Work has been hoppin', it has kept me on my toes. I received word that we had a new client sign up for one of our web applications and that they had specifically requested that I be on company site to install the application. "That is fine", I thought. "Where am I going?" ALASKA
In a matter of moments my dream to visit the "North" became a reality. The anticipation, the hype, it was there, bigger then ever. I hopped on a plane and scrunched my long legs into a small seat. Next to me sat a fairly large, burly gentlemen that introduced himself as "John from Anchorage". He was returning to go home from a funeral that brought him to Utah. We built up a conversation and before the five hour flight ended I knew two solid things about him. One, if it had fins on it, he chased it. Two, his name was John and I always had a place to stay in Alaska when I want to visit.
All I had to do was call him up and throw down some gas money and it was "on".
Wrapping up my work in Anchorage, I only had a short window of time to discover all that I had planned and dreamed. Fly fishing with most outfitters was out of the question and with light snowy conditions, strong winds, all the lakes were still frozen over. The responses I received from the fishing guides were all met with the same dissapointing news, "You are a month early my friend, fishing doesn't come on until late May or June".
I decided to hit the road in my rental and before long I was surrounded by the most impressive scenery I had ever seen. I stopped at several points to take photographs. I pulled off into Girwood and stopped for some lunch. Walking into the small food shop I was greeted by a young woman. Her body was covered with some impressive art. Sitting at a table appeared to be some locals. The woman greeted me with a smile and asked me what I would have on the menu. After asking for her recommendation she said "Get the burger it's the best!". I have never had a better burger and fries in my life. So good I snapped off a photo for you all to experience. If you want to know the name of the place, I do not recall it, however it is next door to the Great Alaskan Store, gift shop in Girdwood.

SALMON on the FLY!
(more of Alaska's photos to follow...)

1 comment:
Great photos...again! If I were a bachelor, I think I would really enjoy Alaska during the "warm" part of the year. I'd probably spend 1/2 the year in Alaska and 1/2 the year in Patagonia.
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