Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis' The Season - Waterfowl

It is cold, it has been snowing here in Utah.  The last few days and over the Thanksgiving Holiday we received our fair amount of snow.  It is a great time to rip the "Pow-Pow" and hit the slopes.  But I have been focused on other things that are also great this time of year...  WATERFOWL!

I am not much of a bird hunter.  Fact is, the more I shoot behind a lens, the desire to kill these beautiful birds becomes nonexistent.  I have nothing against the sport and I am happy to photograph it.  Photography has changed me.  Often it is hard to describe.  All I know is that I love spending time in the field with my camera and these birds are majestic in their own right.

Here is a look at a few up close from my last encounter.  Shot using a Nikon D700, Nikon 300mm F/2.8 VR and TC-17 @ f/4

Drake Mallard


Beads - Drake Mallard

Wood Duck

Drake Wood Duck

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Start of A New Year 2010 (A Year In Review)

I got an email from "Fry" about an annual fly tying get together to kick off the New Year.  The annual fly tying event at the "Fry Manor" hosted excellent smoked BBQ and some of the sickest fly candy not yet known.

The heavy hitters were out tying, Granato, Cheech, Warner, Fry, Herb, Grant...  out of my league I sat back and ripped off a few shots on the wide and enjoyed the sauce.

I got a series of prints I was pleased to share and a few went up ready for publication.  Prior to release I had them pulled and only a couple images were shown.

Tying on day 1 of 2010 is always an excellent way to start the New Year out right!

Nikon D700
Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8 IF-ED
SB-900 Strobe diffused/fong

Fly Tyer Grant Bench

Grant Bench Day 1 2010

Fly Tyer Matt Warner

New Years Day 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Late Night Smoke At The Vise

I can't believe it is that time of year again...winter is already creeping in.  It is the start of a new winter, and with it comes my year in review.  I take the time to go through my hard drives and clean up imagery.  I spend late nights  in my studio separating the failures from the keepers.  I am my own harshest critic...

Over the last several years I have welcomed the winter months and consider the late nights alone as a crucial element in becoming better as both a photographer and innovator.  I study each of my images and sometimes I get stuck pondering the exif data, composition, post process, and overall experience from the relating shoot.  Often I write down little notes about things I like, sometimes I file images away that have potential.  New ideas of shooting various scenes or people come to me.  And I make notes.  My progression as a photographer is measured by my own personal successes and the imagery.  It is very easy to see where I improved and areas I have interest to approach differently.  I have no doubts that as the year begins to wind down, the new year approaching will be one with many new challenges that I will embrace.  I welcome new opportunities to capture something more than just a moment.

I will do my best over the next couple of months to share some of the imagery not previously seen, favorites, and answer some of the questions you have sent through emails, comments, etc.  I thank you for the feedback, both positive and also the opposite.  It is all relevant in some ways.  I know where I am, where I want to go, and what is possible!  Thanks for being a part of my photographic journey.

This evening I spent some time on the shoot I did with Colby Crossland.  I shot these photos back in March of this year.  For any of you who are not familiar with Colby, he has been a great critic of mine.  Brutally honest, and with a photographers perspective.  Colby's imagery is top notch and I have always looked up to him as a portrait photographer.  We have shared some great conversations.

At the beginning of the year I had several photography ideas involving smoke and beer.  Colb was the first person that came to mind.  I have to admit I was a little intimidated with the shoot because I knew I wanted it lit a certain way and I had a particular style and setting in mind.  After spending some time at Colby's place and getting it dialed in, I was excited about the results.  We caused quite the paparazzi scene in a tiny pub located in Heber Valley, Utah.  Colby was pretty good about it.

These three images were shot in a small bedroom.  Lighting included one strobe stand from behind and a SB-900 flash strobe, diffused.  Nikon D700 shot on a Nikor 17-35mm 2.8vr.  My goals going into this shoot were to provide a few darker images, high contrast with the end results being in black and white.  I got the BW shots desired but was rather pleased with the images in color.  A photo or two from the shoot ended up featured in CATCH Magazine.  However, my favorites never were submitted and not previously seen.

Got Hoppers?

Late Night Smoke At The Vise

Late Night Toke At The Vise

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Gold At The End Of The Rainbow - Henry's Fork

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray.Lord Byron 

It has already been a year since I last visited Bob's cabin. The "annual" was a trip that will be remembered for some time.  The legendary Henry's Fork....

The rewards this year were tints of blue & gold.  

Rainbow Gold


Good Boy

Tying One On

HF Bow

Checking Out the Goods

Fish Hound


For the other half of the story & imagery, visit "Mr. Colvin" at

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Green River Brown Trout

This time of year in Utah is my favorite.  The Fall season creeps in and the leaves begin to change.  Brown trout are taking large terrestrials off the surface and fattening up for the cold winter that lies ahead.  

Beautiful trout are brought to hand and the colors near match the wooden drift boat.  I enjoyed time well spent on the stix rowing Layne and Norm.  Towards the end of the day I got a chance to huck and pick up a few fish on baetis.  I feel refreshed!  Life is good.

Trout Reflections

Green River Brown

Monday, September 6, 2010

Out with the with the new.

As you can see I have been spending a lot of time shooting macro. I am continually learning and dialing in my setup. This evening I was able to catch a few mayflies un-dressing ;)

Crimson Baetis

Out With The Old...In With The New

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Magic Stix

A session with the "Magic Stix".  "The Mayflies are hatching!"

Magic Stick


Bug Lab

The Magic Stix

A session with the "Magic Stix".  "The Mayflies are hatching!"

Magic Stick


Bug Lab

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Utah Salmonfly

I had an incredible time with my boys this past week on both the Blacksmith Fork & Logan Rivers, Utah.  We spent time talking about the Salmonfly.  Here is a macro from our trip.

Utah Salmonfly

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Macro

This little guy (June Bug) was found on my doorstep last week.  After a few shots it was released unharmed.  Beetles are neat to see up close.

June Beetle

Monday, July 26, 2010

Dragonfly Up Close & Personal

I spent time shooting macros this past weekend.  It is fun to see all the details on some of these guys...

Dragon Dome

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

MidCurrent Fly Fishing Photographer Spotlight

I enjoy MidCurrent Fly Fishing.  I have followed MidCurrent for a very long time. They are the premiere fly fishing resource online and there is not a day that goes by where I do not check in with them on my browser.

They featured my work early last year with a photographer spotlight.  I was honored that they would consider my imagery as part of their newsletter and photographer profile list.

Today MidCurrent ran another spotlight on my photography and included two new images to their site.  I want to thank Tim Romano at MidCurrent and everyone who has supported, left feedback and pushed me as a freelance photographer. It means a lot!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hopper, Dragon ...Fly, Oh My!

It is here, mid-Summer! I love this time of year when all the bugs are out.





Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Latest Work Scene in

The latest issue of was released.  A couple of Fly Tying & Brew" photographs were featured.  Thanks to Catch Magazine for the gesture.

I have been staying busy at  Be sure to stop in and visit sometime.  I hope everyone is having a great Summer filled with lots of fishing.  July Issue

Tyer Kennie Garcia.  July Issue

Special thanks to Colby Crossland for the "Hoppers" photo shoot.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Keep it Poppin’- BASS

Spent Memorial weekend remembering the special people that have passed on…  I thought of “Grams”.  It feels like yesterday  when she surprised me with my first fly reel. 
P O P P ‘ N – BASS on Top!  More shots to follow…

A Shout Out To “The Fiberglass Manifesto”

Be sure to check out Colvin's photography and his write up at

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Callibaetis Photography

I promised you all a part two… 



The above shot was an experiment done with camera white balance.  Not sure I like the tone but it was fun to see some of the results.

My first shot I wanted CRYSTAL CLEAR.  I decided to shoot a couple with “Bokeh”. Not something I normally prefer in my macro work.


“The Baetis Are Hatching JayMorr!”

Yup… the Baetis are hatching!  You didn’t think I would let that one go unnoticed, right?  Part 1 of a little session featuring my friends. 

Callibaetis in Sepia

Callibaetis in Sepia

 experiment with "White Light".

Callibaetis White



Sunday, May 16, 2010

NO TRESPASSING - Utah Fly Fishing

I think it is time to start fishing more in Idaho & Montana! This past week the new stream access laws went into effect.

Cock Blocked...

Cock Blocked "Utah Fly Fishing"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Griffin MONGOOSE On Fire

I “Hot Boxed” the studio this evening for an innovative session with the camera.  The results…

“Goose On Fire”

JAY_6328 JAY_6434 JAY_6207 JAY_6209

All Images © Jason Morrison - All Rights Reserved