Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"Shuffling the Cards" - The Key To Creating a Photograph


I recently saw a another forum post discussing various ideas and opinions on the post process that photographers use to produce an image.

It is a great topic and opens up discussions on what the keys are to creating a photograph. I consider it to be a fine art. When I am behind the lens I think of those words that Ansel shared. He says it best in this short clip:

2009 has brought us innovation in photography and specifically with the Photogs/Artists who have shared a fresh take on the fly fishing lifestyle. "Lifestyle"....has a certain ring to it. Photography is a lifestyle! I feel privileged to be living my life through a lens.

Photographic style is more than just setting a camera to "Auto" and "Button-Clicking".


Here is to another creative 2010! I will post a photo collage as a recap for 2009 and the images that have influenced me, in another post shortly.

"Spin-A-Story" Fetha Styx Contest

I received the great news that I recently took first place in the Spin-A-Story writing & photography contest that FETHA STYX FLY ROD CO. was hosting! Fetha Styx gave writers and photographers a great opportunity to share their fly fishing passion with the blog readers on Fetha Styx. You can check out my entry at

I am grateful for the opportunity and want to thank Fetha Styx for new rod they are sending my way. I can't wait to huck line with that beauty in 2010! I will be sure to send the photos your way.

1st Place - Fetha Styx Rod Competition

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Griffin Mongoose On Ice

Spent the last couple of days shooting product with Brett Colvin.  I witnessed some incredible skillz as Brett captured the Nautilus on Ice.  If you have not seen his fly reel product gallery, be sure to check it out on his flickr page:

His product work is fantastic!  My Favorite shot of Brett’s series:



I have learned a lot these last few days.  Having the right conditions has turned me into what Colvin calls a “Light Snob”.  The natural light favored us this past week.  We shot waterfowl in the afternoons and the “Hoodies” (Hooded Drake Merganzer) eluded us.  I just could not pull off any good shots with them being out of reach and skittish. 

I was happy to shoot the Griffin Mongoose On Ice.  I hope you enjoy the unique look. 

Griffin Mongoose

 Mongoose On Ice

 JAY_8582 I have a few additonal items that I will share shortly. The Christmas break has been a lot of fun!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas from Utah!  This year has gone by so quickly!  I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to shoot with many of you.  Be safe over the holidays.




Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The “B” Photographs Part II

A few more photographs that went unseen this year.  I was not sure about a few of them.  The first shot features Brett Colvins truck.  When I first saw his fishing rig I couldn’t help but name it the “Trout Snatcher”.  The name has stuck ever since.  The Otter trip early in the year was one of the first fishing trips I photographed with Brett Colvin.  It was a fun trip.  I was going through a heavy HDR and over saturated post phase ;)  I couldn’t bare the over saturated colors even in this photo so I toned it down a bit for this post. 



These next two photos were taken on the Henry’s.  I had a nice chance to capture some Caddis on the lens but failed miserably with the lack of a good macro lens.  It has been my goal in 2010 to step my “Folio” up in the macro department.  I have had many missed opportunities on the water to capture various bugs and hatches because I have never been happy with my results.  I blame some of that on equipment.  Now that I am rockin a macro lens I am more excited about scale, fins, and hatch shots.



Osborn bridge.  I am not sure about the story behind the wagon but it just felt out of place.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

The “B Files” – JayMorr Fly Fishing 2009

Every Photog has them.  Those photographs that you are not to sure about and so you tuck them away on the hard drive.  With year end approaching I take the opportunity to reflect upon the year. I examine my work, I ponder what I have learned and I critique myself harder then anyone else would.  I have been fortunate to have had many opportunities this year enabling me to improve as a photographer.  I have botched shots, laughed at myself, been discouraged many times, and listened to those I look up to.  2009 has been awesome.  I have had a lot of fun. 

This set of photographs are some of the ones I did not share from the past trips.  They are the “B Files”, and reminders of missed opportunities.  This is my part 1 of the unseen.

“The Boulders”, the line was drawn, nothing would be the same…


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Up North Maine Fly Castings Givin Out The Love

Late at night I can either be found behind the camera, working on photos, or lurking on the various blogs to see what everyone is up to. I happened to check in over at Ben’s site and caught the shout out to “Mr. Morr”.

Thanks for the kind words Ben. I will take you up on the opportunity when I get out to Maine one of these days and get some photographs with you! That would be a great time!

Untitled-1Untitled-2 Untitled-3

Be sure to check out

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fly Patterns - Macro

Had a great time tonight shooting with my new setup. I recently purchased Nikon Camera Pro 2 and have my camera tethered. Tonight I pulled everything in through Lightroom and the setup worked perfect. Having the macro photography automatically display on the “28” is pretty damn cool! I experimented with White Balance tonight to get some warmer tones out of my photographs. Let me know what you think. Also I have uploaded a few shots from my iPhone so you can see my basic setup. Some of you emailed me directly regarding specifics. I hope the photos help.

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Random iPhone pics from tonight.



Fly Photography – Ties By Gretchen Beatty

Al & Gretchen Beatty have been friends and mentors to me over the past few years.  A couple years ago I asked Al if he would contribute to my fly collection.  I have patterns from many of the tyers I have looked up to over the years.  With some down time in the “Lab” I thought I would shoot a few of Al & Gretchen’s patterns that were sent to me.  I also included the B & W versions as well.  Enjoy~

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

“All Things Small”


Nikon Fly Fishing. 




All Images © Jason Morrison - All Rights Reserved