I have learned so much from the web and from guys who have taken the time to share their work with me and comment on my own photography.
Their constructive criticism, and knowledge has helped speed up the learning curve which has allowed my photos to come to life and touch those around me.

There are many who have touched me personally in many ways with their photography. They have continually pushed me to improve in certain areas and probably do not know how much I have looked up to each of them.

Will Milne with WaterSide Photography has been one of those individuals. His photography has always been clean, his subject matter fascinates me. He has been able to capture Entomology and many other subjects non fly fishing related and share it with myself and many others over on Fly Tying Forum in the photography section of the board. His passion for fly fishing and photography has been captured in a way that has inspired me to become better....look for unique photo opportunities and take more time when setting up my shots.

Will, Mokai, Wulff, Ashby, peterjay, Vito....are just a few of the dudes who have shared some amazing photographs with me (everyone) over the year and who continually help me get better. I have appreciated their online presence and thank all of them. I hope I do not embarrass any of them by letting them know I am thankful. It has meant a lot.
Be sure to check out Will Milne's photography site, WATERSIDE PHOTOWORKS. When you see him on the boards be sure to congratulate him on his recent cover shot for "Hatches Magazine©". It is a beautiful shot. Will can also be contacted via email through his site. I have also linked his photography site on my blog roll.