When I got the new article assignment "Tiger Muskie On The Fly" it didn't take long to round up a couple of the fella's that wanted to go bang some BIG FISH! The drive was filled with tales of combat fishing and run-ins on the Big Cottonwood and the good ol' days of snowboarding. We payed a visit to Nick and he gave us the low down on water and flies. Nick is always hooking us up with the best flies and has his personal stash laid out. As a rep for Rainy's Flies he had an assortment of stuff for us to try. Rainy's over the years has been awesome. They have some of the greatest fly tyers and innovators around and their patterns stand out from the rest. Simply put....RAINYS FLIES ARE THE BEST!
Having the second toon that I recently won at the Idaho Falls Fly Tying Expo was great and Bryan put it to good use quick. Bryan stood up and made several casts as he site fished to large dark shadows. Large fish on large flies....what could be better? Landing them! "Dude get a bigger net!" became a reality as we tried to skillfully land large Tiger Muskie. The first couple of fish proved to be a serious challenge as they did not fit the rubber net. Getting them to the boat was one thing, trying to get a camera shot would be difficult. Bryan put a bend in the 8wt and his grin could been seen from across the lake. First fish on and we had only been cruising the edges for a short time.

Colby was smackin fish all day long and making it look easy. Ferocious takes and long battles of give and take were had and Colby had it dialed in good. I got the glamour shots but they were all on the little guys, the ones we could land! We all came to an agreement that our next trip would include a much larger net! It was a good trip. The freshwater barracuda got worked!