Over the last several years fly fishing websites, online magazines, forums and blogs have all contributed in the way that we receive information. It is not surprising to see a new generation of fly fishers getting involved in the flyfishing industry. We have come to an age where information is readily available at our fingertips through internet and other media making a learning curve much easier to overcome (or creating bad habits). With such advances in technology some would argue both the positive and negative influences this has had on our local waters and within our circle of fly fishers.
Trying to focus on the positive and having run a fly fishing forum board, technology has been awesome with connecting us to others who enjoy and share the same flyfishing passion. Not only have I directly benefited from it, I have spent countless hours sharing fly patterns, tips and fly fishing experiences with friends online. Emails pour into my gmail inbox when the "hatch is on" or after a friends day of fishing, only to give me a report. The way we get our information has changed and so has the modern day fly fisherman.
With the positive also comes the harsh reality that our waters are becoming more crowded, and fly fishing has evolved into the big business mentality. It has been this way for years and those that have been around since the beginning will sometimes open up and share their take on what fly fishing used to be for them back in the day.
Today more and more people are picking up a fly rod. Those that have spent little time in the sport are also trying to make a name for themselves. Fly Fishing forums have created overnight experts and a frenzy to make a dollar in the industry. Master fly tyers, rod builders, you name it... the idea to be a fly fishing rockstar is more evident now with all the hype!
Yes, fly fishing has changed! Educating those that are just getting involved go's a long way. Being respectful out on the water and showing humility after all is what makes the difference. Getting involved, and supporting the efforts to make things better for our passion is what truly counts. Each of us has a responsibility within our own capacity to "represent". So you wanna be a fly fishing rockstar?? Take notice, be an example, promote the good and pay it forward.
One fly fisher's actions can make a difference!
Happy 2008!